Friday, March 31, 2006
Ecouri la intalnirea cu T.E.S. din 21 Martie
La prima activitate din acest an, din seria de intalniri cu agentii de plasare, au participat 20 de ingineri.
Ne-am intalnit la KELK (multumim lui George Oprea si conducerii KELK pentru ospitalitate) unde Joe Zeki, Engineering Services Manager la T.E.S., a avut o prezentare excelenta, mai scurta de o ora, urmata de mai mult de doua ore de intrebari si raspunsuri.
The Employment Solution has Temporary and Permanent Placement Divisions and Services:
Information Technology; Analysts, Programmers, Software Engineers
Office Services; Office Administration, Human Resources, Finance, Customer Service, Management
Comentariile au fost foarte pozitive. Audienta a fost impresionata de profesionalismul lui Joe si de atitudinea lui deschisa, raspunzand la toate intrebarile puse cu onestitate.
Urmatoarele sunt rezultatele sondajului nostru standard (rating de la 1 - Poor la 3 - Excellent):
1. Relevance of Topic: 3 (14 raspunsuri)
2. Value of Topic/ Content: 2.93 (14 raspunsuri)
3. Handouts: 2.93 (14 raspunsuri)
4. Would you attend another seminar by this presenter?: 2.93 (14 raspunsuri)
Comentarii: 'Very good choice, well done", "Very good, very informative, the presenter answered in an excellent way our questions", "Very good presentation", "Overall, information well presented, good answers to our questions", "Very good and helpful", "Interesting and useful, very professional", "I liked the presentation".
Daniel Cheoreanu
Secretary AREC
Va asteptam la urmatoarele activitati:
Intalnirea urmatoare a Executivului - deschisa oricarui membru - va fi anuntata in curand.
Intalnire cu un VIP roman in Mai
Picnic la sfarsitul lui Iunie
Seminar PEO la sfarsitul lui August
Intalnire cu o a doua agentie de plasare in Septembrie
Serata (Dinner/ Gala) la sfarsitul lui Octombrie
Mult succes!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Balacing the Scales by Kelly Robertson
1. First and foremost, you must love what you do. We spend over a third of our life at work – doesn’t it make sense to enjoy it? I learned many years ago that the more you enjoy your job or work the more successful you will be. Even a high-pressure job is less stressful when you fully enjoy it. I know several people who have high-profile and high-pressure careers but they still maintain a sense of balance because they love their business. Enjoying your work gives you more satisfaction and personal fulfillment. If you find yourself in a job that doesn’t motivate or stimulate you, consider making a change. There are lots of great books on the market that can help you discover what type of work you are best suited for.
2. Make time for family and friends. Regardless how busy you are it is critical to spend time with people who are close to you. In the last several years my wife and I make sure to schedule a ‘date night’ once a week. This usually means having dinner at a local restaurant or going to a movie, show, or concert. Although we often talk about our business it gives us the opportunity to catch up and discuss things we don’t always find time to talk about during the rest of the week. Spending time with friends is also a great way to recharge mentally, particularly if your friends are not employed in the same industry.
3. Find a hobby. I think it is important to engage yourself in a pastime or hobby because they help you forget about work for a while. My two favourite pastimes are reading and running. In additional to releasing stress, this ‘escape’ helps recharge your batteries and maintain your objectivity. Plus, a clear energized mind is more creative and open to accepting new ideas.
4. Schedule “me” time. As selfish as it sounds we all need a few hours of personal time. I usually schedule this when my wife is out running errands. Most of the time I’ll read, watch a movie, or sometimes take a nap. I don’t feel guilty for taking this time to myself because it actually helps my marriage by allowing me to engage in something I fully enjoy without worrying about distractions from other people. One word of caution, “Me” time should not be scheduled at the sacrifice of others or occupy a large portion of your schedule. If you have been on a business trip for a week it’s not fair to your family to schedule the entire weekend as “me” time.
5. Take vacations. Vacations are critical to your well-being. It is essential to take a break from the hectic and fast-paced business world. Too many people in business wave their lack of vacation time as a badge of honour but I feel that a lack of a break from the business negatively affects your ability to perform at your maximum potential. When I started my business, I set a goal of taking a one-week break at least three times a year. I adhered to this goal in the first three years because I made sure to plan my breaks early in the year. Then in my fourth year I neglected to plan this time off. Before I knew it, October had rolled around and I still hadn’t taken any time off. By this time, I was feeling burned out, I experienced more stress, and I had less energy, drive and motivation.
6. Disconnect yourself. Today’s technology has made it very difficult for us to completely disconnect from business. I find that I am drawn to email on the weekends and even on vacations. We don’t want to miss anything and sometimes our boss even requires that we stay connected to the office on our time off. However, I strongly believe that disconnecting yourself completely from voice mail, email, your PDA and BlackBerry is essential to creating some semblance of balance in our lives. There is no question that you will have more work to catch up on when you return to work but this complete break helps your brain recharge. I won’t suggest that creating this balance is easy – it’s not. However, with a bit of focus and attention you can start to balance the scales. It’s worth the effort.
© 2006 Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved
Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. Receive a FREE copy of “100 Ways to Increase Your Sales” by subscribing to his free newsletter available at For information on his programs, contact him at 905-633-7750 or
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Books that will change your life!
Ken Blanchard is one of my favourite authors. The One Minute Manager series explore the skills to become an effective self leader and can help any manager to assist his people to become peak performers.
Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager clearly and thoroughly reveals how power, freedom, and autonomy come from having the right mind-set and the skills needed to take personal responsibility for success.
Ultimately, It's In
Your Own Best
Interest To Accept
For Getting What
You Need
To Succeed In
The Workplace.
The One Minute Manager is an easily read story which quickly shows you three very practical management techniques. The credo of the one-minute manager rests on the implementation of three ideas, namely: the need to establish clear-cut goals, the need to praise good performance, and the need to reprimand people when their performance fails to contribute to the attainment of commonly agreed goals. This three basic ideas are known as the three secrets of the one-minute manager, namely: one-minute goals, one-minute praisings and one-minute reprimands.
"To me, the Three Secrets can help you be the coach in the workplace, at home or on the playing field. Share the secrets with your people, use them as needed and get your people to use them as well. You'll all perform better as a result."
I highly recommend these books. They have life changing lessons that I plan to implement in my every day. They taught me to look at empowerment as an opportunity to think, communicate, and cooperate more effectively. Also, to get what we need, we should start by taking the lead within our organizations, and
Mândria de a fi inginer
Mândria de a fi inginer
A trecut ceva vreme de când un tip care-si extrage inspiratia si verva din plicul cu praf alb, rãspunzând totodatã la numele de "Gheorghe, Andrei Gheorghe", declara cã inginerii nu pot fi considerati intelectuali.
Suficientã vreme pentru a mã calma. Din pãcate, un recent articol de presã (când am sã gãsesc referinta am sã o trec în aceastã parantezã) separã iar intelectualii de ingineri, cu precizia unei lopeti tâind o brazdã într-o groapã de bãlegar. Autorii articolului spun, nici mai mult nici mai putin, cã PSD este un partid al inginerilor, pe când bravele noastre forte de dreapta ar fi predominant umaniste (cât pot fi de umanisti avocatii). Mã rog, afirmatia nu e atât de jignitoare pe cât este de falsã. Ce m-a enervat însã este cã în articol au fost grupate câteva pãreri ale unor persoane suficient de cunoscute, niciunul având legãturã cu profesia de inginer, care încercau
sã explice aceastã polarizare. Printre platitudini specific umaniste, s-a ridicat la suprafatã (de fapt s-a ridicat mirosul) o caracterizare emisã de balena societãtii civile românesti, Alina Muget Pipi-Pipi. O definitie concisã, emisã, probabil, între douã cotlete de porc: inginerii sunt tehnicienii lui Ceausescu. Sau cam asa ceva.
Deci inginerii nu sunt intelectuali, inginerii sunt PSD-isti, pentru cã de fapt ei sunt tehnicienii lui
Ceausescu. În mod normal, aici ar trebui sã bag o tiradã asupra utilitãtii inginerului în societate,
sã-i sugerez doamnei Pipi-pipi sã renunte la computerul pe care îsi scrie emanatiile (nu sunt sigur cã foloseste asa ceva, totusi), sau sã-i sugerez cã ar fi cu vreo douã sute de kilograme mai slabã dacã ar merge pe jos în loc sã foloseascã masini sau alte mijloace de transport, sau cã în lipsa inginerilor ea ar trebui sã stea afarã în frig, neîncãpând pe gura pesterii... Dar nu vreau sã spun aceste lucruri, pentru cã sunt prea simtit. În schimb, voi încerca sã explic hoardei umaniste ce creaturã este inginerul.
Sã începem cu începutul...
Scoala generalã si liceul
Foarte rar inginerul strãluceste la învãtãturã, nu pentru cã nu ar avea materie cenusie deasupra gâtului, ci pentru cã nu suportã sã învete pe de rost texte si comentarii la limba românã, sau nume si ani la istorie. Asta nu înseamnã cã urãste materiile respective - poate citi cu plãcere o carte, doar cã îl enerveazã notiunea de memorat. Nici matematica nu-i place în mod deosebit, pentru cã inginerul nu e tâmpit. Totusi, materiile interesante, precum fizica (cu circuitele electronice mai ales), chimia (stiinta chestiilor care fac bum), sau informatica (echivalentul modern al magiei medievale) necesitã matematicã, asa cã nu are de ales si o va învãta. Desi nu va avea mediile cele mai mari din clasã, viitorul inginer va avea satisfactia cã el este posesorul unor cunostinte si abilitãti pe care colegii lui le vãd inaccesibile, si în acelasi timp poate sã-si spunã linistit cã nu ar fi o mare problemã pentru el sã exceleze la celelalte materii, doar cã nu vrea. El e cool.
Inginerul nu se streseazã foarte mult în facultate... desi are de mers la laboratoare si are de fãcut proiecte. Indiferent cât de stresant este programul si cât de duri sunt profesorii, viitorul inginer va gãsi întotdeauna timp pentru distractie, socializare, sau pur si simplu pentru stat degeaba. Pe când studentii celorlalte facultãti sunt lipsiti de griji ca pasãrea cerului, sau coplesiti de griji ca un animal ierbivor, viitorul inginer este echivalentul studentesc al animalului de pradã: 90% din timp doarme si se joacã, dar în restul de 10% reuseste sã mobilizeze o impresionantã energie în scopul finalizãrii unui proiect sau trecerii unui examen. Ziua sau noaptea nu conteazã pentru el, cu suficientã cafea sau Coca Cola la dispozitie. Dupã ce scopul a fost atins, reactorul energetic se stinge cu cantitãti impresionante de etanol si programul lejer este adoptat din nou.
Locul de muncã
Inginerul nu este un "workaholic", dar va munci bine dacã îi place ceea ce face sau dacã este al dracului de bine plãtit. Nu este neaparat obsedat de bani (dacã era s-ar fi fãcut economist sau avocat), dar nu-i place nici sã facã implozie intestinalã. El va încerca, dar nu va reusi decât rar, sã mentinã ritmul de viatã din facultate, 90% frecat de mentã, 10% efort intens. Ai dracului patroni nu-l lasã. În general este un tip orientat, care dacã vede cã meseria lui nu mai aduce suficiente fonduri la bugetul personal nu ezitã sã se reprofileze. "Lipsa lui de culturã", "incapacitatea lui de a comunica", sau "gândirea lui de soarece de laborator" nu-l încurcã: el poate deveni oricând un afacerist sau un politician de succes.
Cultura nu este o componentã vitalã a unui inginer, dar nu este obligatoriu sã lipseascã. Un inginer va citi o carte, va asculta muzicã si va viziona un film atâta timp cât acestea îi vor face plãcere, fãrã sã se gândescã la faptul cã prin asta el îsi face upgrade la nivelul de culturã. Dacã preferã o carte care descrie o metodã ingenioasã de a lichida pe cineva, urmatã de o metodã si mai ingenioasã pentru aflarea vinovatului, în locul unei cãrti care descrie lamentãrile si psihozele unui bosorog sau ale unei femei la menopauzã, asta e pentru simplul motiv cã inginerul nu are chef sã vomite pe timpul lui liber doar pentru a avea privilegiul de a se lãuda altora cu cât de cult
este el. Dacã preferã sã vadã cum Bruce Willis sau Arnold Schwarzenegger lichideazã câte 50 de dobitoci per film în loc sã vadã "capodoperele" lui Mircea Danieliuc sau Cristi Puiu, asta este pentru cã filmele pentru el sunt un mijloc de relaxare, nu de enervare în plus. Si un inginer nu citeste niciodatã poezie, decât dacã vrea sã impresioneze o femeie, ceea ce pânã la urmã este un lucru lãudabil si îl iertãm.
Adevãratul punct slab al inginerului este etica, si probabil cã acolo bate si madam Pipi-Pipi când
vorbeste de tehnicienii lui Ceausescu. Inginerii în general se ocupã sã construiascã dispozitive, fãrã sã-si facã prea multe griji cine este beneficiarul lor, iar motivul nu este întotdeauna de naturã financiarã. Inginerii fac bombe nucleare si rachete ghidate nu neaparat pentru cã sunt plãtiti pentru asta (dar nu stricã) si nici pentru cã le-ar place foarte mult sã ucidã oameni (nu mai mult ca altor bãrbati, cel putin), ci pentru cã sunt dispozitive complexe, de înaltã precizie, si e o plãcere sã arate cã pot face asa ceva. E cool!
Inginerul nu este cu mult diferit de ceilalti oameni în viata de zi cu zi... cu exceptia faptului cã el
este în stare sã schimbe un bec ars, sã monteze o prizã sau un întrerupãtor, sau un cablu TV, si nu trebuie sã ducã calculatorul la reparat dacã are un virus sau dacã vrea sã-si instaleze un modem. Inginerul nu stie ce e aia Tech Support.
Care este totusi diferenta dintre ingineri si umanisti? Exceptând pregãtirea de specialitate...
Diferenta între ei este de scop: inginerul are ca scop crearea, perfectionarea si întretinerea unor
dispozitive tehnice: mecanisme, circuite, constructii, programe software...
Umanistul are ca scop educarea si perfectionarea oamenilor si a societãtii (asta pentru cã eu, ca inginer, le definesc lor un scop, pentru cã ei singuri probabil cã-si închipuie cã trebuie doar sã existe pentru a lumina lumea cu prezenta lor). Scopul inginerilor este atins: tehnologia progreseazã de la un an la altul, si este clar cã ce se produce în ziua de azi e mai bun ca ceea ce se producea acum 50 de ani (nu neaparat mai frumos, dar aici nu e treaba noastrã).
Dar scopul umanistilor?
Sunt oamenii de acum mai buni, mai cinstiti, mai generosi?
Sau e chiar invers?
Noi ne facem treaba.
Voi nu.
Deci ciocul mic!
Sursa: The NET
Saturday, March 18, 2006
AREC va invita la intalnirea cu T.E.S., Marti 21 Martie, ora 6.00pm
- veti afla care este situatia pe piata de job-uri
* Se plateste, ca de obicei, $10 la intrare de catre cei ce nu au platit cotizatia pe 2006.
THE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTION (T.E.S.) is a wholly owned Canadian corporation, which was established in 1975 to provide industry and government with a professional source of temporary engineering services. The company has since grown and diversified to meet the changing needs of our clients. Today, T.E.S is comprised of three divisions specializing in Engineering, Information Technology and Office Support. The development of these divisions has been based on the concept of a "full service" contract, temporary help and permanent placement firm. The ability to service our clients with all their employment requirements, from the plant to the boardroom, has become our signature trademark
Friday, March 17, 2006
Ai pierdut oportunitatea unei pozitii mai bune sau a unui job din cauza ca nu ai stiut cu cine si cum sa vorbesti?
Ai pierdut o “batalie” din cauza tonului sau „inaltei tensiuni” intr-o anumita situatie?
Tu si familia ta veti putea beneficia de experienta membrilor AREC ca sa nu mai faceti “aceleasi greseli” si sa va adaptati mai repede la “experienta canadiana”. Cei din jurul tau vor aprecia faptul ca esti mai organizat si eficient iar experientele tale ii vor ajuta si pe altii.
CONNECTING este cheia succesului!
AREC exista cu scopul de a ajuta pei cei interesati de a se contacta cu altii intr-un mod efectiv.
Cei care vor sa angajeze excelenti candidati, sau cei care cauta joburi, un "lead" pentru o afacere, sau un expert, un mentor sau o prietenie, sau numai o opinie de incredere au in AREC un partener de incredere!
Spiritul AREC este sa initieze un dialog pozitiv, real si benefic. Alaturati-va noua!
Completeaza AREC Membership Application
Giving Engineers from Romania opportunities to:
- network with their peers
- engage in dialog with Romanian-Canadian VIPs
- learn about PEO certification
- socialize with other engineers and professionals
Monday, March 13, 2006
Jobs Careers in the Golden Triangle: Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Applicants Inc. recruits and places managers, supervisors and salaried staff in: Operations, Engineering, Quality, Materials and Finance.
The majority of assignments listed below are exclusive to Applicants Inc.
Featured Job Openings
Sunday, March 12, 2006
go to
Improving the Quality of Your Thinking By: Brian Tracy
In one series of I.Q. tests given to children ages 2 - 4 years, 95% of the children were found to be highly creative with curious, questioning minds and an ability for abstract thinking.
When the same children were tested again at age 7, only 5% still demonstrated high levels of creativity. In the ensuing years, they had learned to conform; "If you want to get along, you had better go along," is what they had discovered.
The Dangers of Conformity
They had learned to color between the lines, to sit in neat little rows, to do and say what the other kids did and said, and to do as they were told. Over time, they lost the wonderful fearless spontaneity of youth and learned to suppress ideas and insights that were unusual or different.
Aggressively Seek New Ideas
Most of us have had similar experiences. The "Not invented-here" syndrome in many large companies is simply the adult version of "not rocking the boat." But fortunately, since creativity is your birthright, a fundamental part of your nature, you can tap into it at any time, no matter how long it has been since you really used it.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to start thinking outside of your mental box.
First, imagine that there was a vastly better, cheaper, faster way to do your job — and somebody else had already discovered it and was going to put you out of business.
Second, imagine doing exactly the opposite of what you are doing today. Allow your mind to float freely and consider how current trends will change your business.
Brian has helped millions of people in both their business and personal lives.
In what area would you like to succeed?> Personal Success> Sales Success> Financial Success> Business Success> More
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The value of an employee by Michael Deren
0603-StayingSharp.pdf (application/pdf Object)
sales thought
"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you're doing." Alan Alda
sales thought:
If it's been a while since you last stepped out of your "city of comfort", consider setting a deliberate goal to do it once before the end of this month. Amazing things can come from it...
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
When Is It Time to Go? by Seth Godin
I just got back from lunch with my friend Doug Jacobs.
Doug just got another promotion. He works for a software company in Indiana, and over the last 14 years, he's had a wide range of jobs. For the first seven or eight years, Doug was in business development and sales. He handled the Microsoft account for a while, flying to Redmond, Washington, every six weeks or so. It was hard on his family, but he's really focused -- and really good.
Two years ago, Doug got a huge promotion. He was put in charge of his entire division -- 150 people, the second-biggest group in the company. Doug attacked the job with relish. In addition to spending even more time on the road, he did a great job of handling internal management issues.
A month ago, for a variety of good reasons, Doug got a sideways promotion. Same level, but a new team of analysts report to him. Now he's in charge of strategic alliances. He's well-respected, he's done just about every job and he makes a lot of money.
So, of course, I told him to quit.
“You've been there a long time, my friend.”
Doug wasn't buying it: “Yes, I've been here 14 years, but I've had seven jobs. When I got here, we were a startup, but now we're a division of Cisco. I've got new challenges, and the commute is great --”
I interrupted him before he could go on. I couldn't help myself.
Doug needs to leave for a very simple reason. He's been branded. Everyone at the company has an expectation of who Doug is and what he can do. Working your way up from the mailroom sounds sexy, but in fact, it's entirely unlikely. Doug has hit a plateau. He's not going to be challenged, pushed or promoted to president. Doug, regardless of what he could actually accomplish, has stopped evolving -- at least in the eyes of the people who matter.
If he leaves and joins another company, he gets to reinvent himself. No one in the new company will remember young Doug from 10 years ago. No, they'll treat Doug as the new Doug, the Doug with endless upside and little past.
Let's look at it from the perspective of evolution: Species that evolve the fastest are the ones that don't mate for life. By switching mates, swapping genes with someone new, you continually reshuffle the gene pool, making it more likely you'll create something new and neat and novel and useful.
Our parents and grandparents believed you should stay at a job for five years, 10 years or even your whole life. But in a world where companies come and go -- where they grow from nothing to the Fortune 500 and then disappear, all in a few years -- that's just not possible.
Here's the deal, and here's what I told Doug: The time to look for a new job is when you don't need one. The time to switch jobs is before it feels comfortable. Go. Switch. Challenge yourself; get yourself a raise and a promotion. You owe it to your career and your skills.
No word back from Doug yet. How about you?
Seth Godin is the best-selling author of Survival Is Not Enough.
Carnegie Success Connection
- Dale Carnegie |
The other person is important. You have little to gain if you choose to deny this. Your relationships with employees and coworkers are not subsidiary to the work you all come together to do; rather, strong relationships are essential to doing that work--especially if you want to do that work well. People are much more than simply what their job description implies. Give each person's life sincere consideration, and notice a considerable change in your own. You are able to learn from others' experiences that which you could not from simply the experiences you've had. Begin to foster the possibilities by employing some of the following Human Relations Principles:
- Become genuinely interested in other people
- Smile
- Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
- Talk in terms of the other person's interests
- Make the other person feel important -- and do it with sincerity
Source: |
Leadership Training for Managers 7 weeks, 3.5 hours one evening per week |
Monday, March 06, 2006
Practice the ABC Method by Brian Tracy
The more thought you invest in planning and setting priorities before you begin, the more important things you will do and the faster you will get them done once you get started.
The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more you will be motivated to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into the job.
A Simple and Powerful Technique
The ABCDE Method is a powerful priority setting technique that you can use every single day. This technique is so simple and effective that it can, all by itself, make you one of the most efficient and effective people in your field.
The power of this technique lies in its simplicity. Here’s how it works: You start with a list of everything you have to do for the coming day. Think on paper. You then place an A, B, C, D or E before each item on your list before you begin the first task.
Determine Your Top Priorities
An "A" item is defined as something that is very important. This is something that you must do. This is a task for which there can be serious consequences if you do it or fail to do it, like visiting a key customer or finishing a report for your boss that she needs for an upcoming board meeting. These are the frogs of your life.
If you have more than one "A" task, you prioritize these tasks by writing A-1, A-2, A-3, and so on in front of each item. Your A-1 task is your biggest, ugliest frog of all.
Decide On Your Secondary Tasks
A "B" item is defined as a task that you should do. But it only has mild consequences. These are the tadpoles of your work life. This means that someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don't do it, but it is nowhere as important as an "A" task. Returning an unimportant telephone message or reviewing your email would be a "B" task. The rule is that you should never do a "B" task when there is an "A" task left undone. You should never be distracted by a tadpole when there is a big frog sitting there waiting to be eaten.
Analyze The Consequences of Doing It
A "C" task is defined as something that would be nice to do, but for which there are no consequences at all, whether you do it or not. "C" tasks include phoning a friend, having coffee or lunch with a coworker or completing some personal business during work hours. This sort of activity has no affect at all on your work life.
After you have applied the ABC Method to your list, you will now be completely organized and ready to get more important things done faster.
Start On Your A-1 Task
The key to making this ABC Method work is for you to now discipline yourself to start immediately on your "A-1" task and then stay at it until it is complete. Use your willpower to get going and stay going on this one job, the most important single task you could possibly be doing. Eat the whole frog and don’t stop until its finished completely.
Your ability to think through, analyze your work list and determine your "A-1" task is the springboard to higher levels of accomplishment, and greater self-esteem, self-respect and personal pride.
When you develop the habit of concentrating on your "A-1," most important activity, you will start getting more done than any two or three people around you.
Action Exercises
Review you work list right now and put an A, B, or C next to each task or activity. Select your A-1 job or project and begin on it immediately. Discipline yourself to do nothing else until this one job is complete.
Practice this ABC Method every day and on every work or project list, before you begin work, for the next month. By that time, you will have developed the habit of setting and working on your highest priority tasks and your future will be assured!
Brian Tracy is the most listened to audio author on personal and business success in the world today. His fast-moving talks and seminars on leadership, sales, managerial effectiveness and business strategy are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that people can immediately apply to get better results in every area.
Friday, March 03, 2006
National Engineering Week in Ontario 2006
Founded in 1992, National Engineering Week (NEW) is a cross-country festival of volunteer-organized events that takes place the first week of March each year. (The dates of NEW 2006 are February 25 to March 5.)
The purpose is to raise public awareness of the importance of engineering and technology in our daily lives and to encourage young people to consider careers in engineering and technology.
For more information about nationwide activities, visit
The National Engineering Week Ontario Steering Committee (NEWOSC) provides support for activities organized in Ontario communities and participates in planning at the national level. Click here to review the NEWOSC Terms of Reference.
Click here to view the NEW Ontario 2006 Globe and Mail newspaper supplement.