Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Toti ne dorim alaturi oameni supradotati, oameni care sa rezolve totul repede si perfect, sa imbogateasca lumea cu frumusetea sufletului lor, sa ne ofere cele mai minunate solutii sau idei care sa repare intreaga lume de problemele ei. Dar succesul in viata de adult depinde de o educatie de calitate la o virsta timpurie.
Fiecare copil este inzestrat de natura cu har si potential. Totusi, nu orice copil are acces la o educatie speciala daca este necesar. Un copil supradotat nu se poate dezvolta la potentialul maxim fara o educatie la nivelul sau de performanta. Primii ani din viata sunt considerati de catre toti specialistii in educatie la nivel mondial ca fiind critici in formarea caracterului, a deprinderilor, a inteligentei si creativitatii.
Institutul Roman de Studii si Cercetari Avansate (IRSCA) in Educatia de Excelenta ( este o organizatie non-profit, partener al UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). IRSCA Gifted Education este membru al ECHA (European Council for High Ability).
IRSCA Gifted Education este membru al WCGTC (World Council for Gifted and Talented Children).
IRSCA Gifted Education este initiator si fondator al Consortiului Roman pentru Educatia Tinerilor si Copiilor Supradotati si Talentati, EDUGATE ( EDUGATE este astazi una dintre cele mai mari intiative educationale private in Romania cuprinzind organizatii, institutii si firme cu expertiza in educatia de excelenta. EDUGATE este totodata si un program national de revitalizare a educatiei din Romania care va colabora cu UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), RO-Talent, MENSA Romania, Centrul pentru Studii Complexe si Asociatia Inventatorilor din Romania. Primul obiectiv al IRSCA Gifted Education este infiintarea unei Gradinite de marime medie, cu program prelungit, cu o capacitate de 80 locuri. Selectia se va realize potrivit legislatiei nationale (Legea 17/2007) si a metodologiilor elaborate de EDUGATE pentru aplicarea Legii 17/2007. Va fi o Gradinita unica in Romania ce va avea sustinere, recunoastere si vizibilitate la nivelul intregii tari si la nivel international.
Educatia de Excelenta urmareste sa descopere, sa dezvolte si sa promoveze potentialul tuturor categoriilor de copii, abilitatile lor naturale, prin intermediul unui sistem educational individualizat, axat pe fiecare copil in parte, folosind o programa de invatamint la nivel international, de accelerare, indrumare, creearea unui mediu de formare armonioasa, echilibrata si in plus folosind un personal educational cu vocatie.
Descrierea proiectului (in limba romana) este atasata in fisierul Kindergarten-executive-summary.pdf in timp ce o prezentare mai detaliata (in limba engleza) poate fi citita la Avind in vedere importanta si seriozitatea proiectului care pe mine m-a entuziasmat total de cum am aflat, proiect care poate fi inceputul unei noi sperante pentru Romania dar care de data aceasta are toate sansele sa duca la mai bine, te invit sa te implici si tu. Pentru ca lucrurile bune se intimpla atunci cind iti deschizi mana si lasi din bogatie sa se reverse si asupra altora, asta iti va returna bogatie in viata ta. Prosperitate este atunci cind poti schimba lumea.
Daca am fost destul de convingator si doresti sa te implici, exista numeroase posibilitati prezentate amanuntit aici :
O caramida pentru zidurile Gradinitei costa 5 EUR.
Alege sa ajuti copii!
Alex Dragomirescu
Ambasador IRSCA Gifted Education
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario
Home: (905) 272-8131
Skype: adragomi
# posted by Daniel (Danny) : 9:20 a.m.

DOUBLE-CLICK any word on our site and you will get an instant definition
Here are a few quotes of inspiration and some food for thought about work and life ... CARPE DIEM (seize the day)
"Networking is more than meeting the right people. It's about connecting with their purpose and helping them achieve their goals. It's about connectin them with their success."
Craig Elias: Canada's Mr. Networking
"So you ask “what can I do to build confidence in myself”? Start by discovering who you are (your Personal Brand), which will allow you to understand what you need to do in order to gain this confidence you seek. Once discovered, it is all about repetition, through telling yourself that you are unique and “you have nothing to lose.” Saying this will help you be more outgoing, which translates into confidence."
Dan Schawbel
"Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about
eventually will manifest in our lives. Unfortunately most of us are completely unaware of this fact and we do not monitor our thoughts with the care needed so that we can
create in our lives the results we say we want. Since the great majority of people do not feel worthy and deserving of abundant good fortune, radiant good health and total
success in all areas of their lives that overriding thought pattern controls the results people get. The first order of business of anyone who wants to enjoy success in all areas
of his or her life is to take charge of the internal dialogue they have and only think, say and behave in manner consistent with the results they truly desire. - Sidney Madwed
"You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration." - James Lane Allen
"In football you always get judged on your last game. Whoever you are, or how amazing you are, it's the last game that everyone has seen." - Thierry Henry
"80% of the stuff you get you are never going to need again. 20% you do need, and you need to prioritize its importance."
Julie Mahan
"It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project." - Napoleon Hill
"The only thing that doesn't change is change itself." - Heraclitus (You can't step into the same river twice, the old Greek said, because the water keeps moving. - If you're clinging to your old reliable tools, you're not just standing still, you're actually moving backwards from the point of view of those who are moving on with the river of technological change.)
"The secret of man's success resides in his insight into the moods of people, and his tact in dealing with them." - J. G. Holland
"To put distance between you and your competition, you must become more VALUABLE... not just more PRODUCTIVE."
E. R. Haas
"When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell
"Successful people are not necessary smarter than anyone else, they are simply more effective."
Ross Mackay
"You'll never achieve real success unless you like what you're doing."
Dale Carnegie