Saturday, August 22, 2009
Seminar AREC - In cautarea unui job; sfaturi, reguli, solutii; integrarea in sistemul Canadian - Miercuri, 26 August
Va invitam la urmatoarea activitate AREC care se va desfasura Miercuri, 26 August, cu incepere de la ora 6:30, la KELK, 48 Lesmill Rd. (York Mills and Don Mills area – vezi harta)
In cautarea unui job; sfaturi, reguli, solutii; integrarea in sistemul Candian.
Partea I
Melissa Magder, M.A., Cross-Cultural Training Consultant la MCB Solutions ( va vorbi despre Impactul Diferentelor Culturale asupra Inginerilor. Prezentatoarea va examina obstacolele intalnite de inginerii proveniti din diferite tari atunci cand isi cauta de lucru in Canada. Melissa va da sfaturi despre cum sa “navighezi” prin sistemul de recrutare Canadian. Pentru inginerii care deja lucreaza in meseria lor, Melissa va examina impactul pe care il au diferentele culturale asupra inginerilor in relatiile lor profesionale, oferind de asemena sugestii pentru o comunicare mai efectiva cu partea Canadiana.
Partea II
Steven Cardwell, Presedintele lui Engineering Search Firm ( o sa vorbeasca despre piata serviciilor “ascunse” din Canada si USA, precum si despre cum trebuiesc atacate aceste pozitii “ascunse” cu ajutorul firmelor de recrutare specializate pentru ingineri. Steven va vorbi si despre sucesele firmei lui in plasarea inginerilor pe piata USA.
Prezentarile se vor tine in Engleza.
COST PENTRU PARTICIPARE: GRATUIT pentru membri AREC, $10 pentru ne-membri
IMPORTANT: Cei care doresc sa participe sant rugati sa re-transmita acest mesaj la cu un singur comentariu la subiect "VIN #??" si puneti cate persoane vor participa. In felul acesta o sa putem aranja sala corespunzator pentru numarul (aproximativ) de participanti.
Va asteptam cu drag,
George Oprea / Presedinte AREC
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O cotizatie de doar $40 pe an iti da dreptul sa participi GRATUIT la TOATE activitatile AREC.
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A) Plata prin e-mail (valabila pentru cei ce fac Internet banking) – preferata de AREC:
Log into your bank account.
Go to "Email Money Transfers" or something similar (each bank has a different description for sending money by e-mail)
Go to "Add a new recipient" and add AREC with e-mail address
Go back to "Email Money Transfers"
Under "Message to recipient" write "AREC membership for Your Name" (put your name)
Under "Amount": $40
Under "Create your own security question" write "AREC"
For "Security answer" or "password" write "Engineer"
B) Prin PayPal / Credit card, mergand la dupa 30 August 2009, cand speram ca noul „look” al website-ului va fi gata.
C) Trimitand un cheque pentru "AREC" la:
80 Nantucket Drive, Richmond Hill, ON, L4E 3V9
In cateva zile dupa plata, vei primi un e-mail cu chitanta confirmand plata cotizatiei (si care confirma de asemenea ca ai devenit membru AREC). In cazul in care ai asigurarile cu TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, numarul chitantei va fi necesar la reinoirea asigurarii.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Manufacturing finally sees a boost in sales
Constant dollar manufacturing sales rose 1.1% in June, indicating that greater sales volumes were responsible for more than half of the increase in sales.
Sales were up in 12 of 21 manufacturing industries in June, representing 68% of total sales.
Strength in the aerospace and petroleum industries partially offset by lower sales for motor vehicles --- Full Story ---
Monday, August 17, 2009
World recovers from recession; U.S. will be next
Although glimmers of a turnaround appeared in mid-spring, the momentum has recently accelerated, providing further evidence the deleveraged recession is on the mend.
Although U.S. factory orders and manufacturing activity have more recently indicated a halt in a yearlong downturn, a European rebound has already returned to levels last seen just after the occurrence of the global credit implosion last year.
With China, Japan and India already taking the lead, powered by jumbo stimulus plans, and Brazil and Russia following suit, the ailing industrial sectors of the United Kingdom and Italy have started to boom again.
The European improvement has been broadly based, but has come forth especially strong in the timber and paper industries.
However, the overcapacity occasioned by months of manufacturing depression has not halted ongoing personnel layoffs or increased capital spending plans.
In an indication that the inflation specter is not lurking in the immediate future, output prices have as yet not been forthcoming. This reinforces the belief that overcapacity and a continuing glut of raw materials and ancillary manufacturing supplies will keep prices stable for some time to come.
As the U.S. manufacturing sector follows suit, a similar set of circumstances will manifest itself, as America's deflating industrial arena reverses an 18-month downward cycle.
An additional plus awaiting recovering American manufacturers is the increasing need for just-in-time delivery as inventories of components, as well as finished goods, have been cut to the bone.
The reduction of transportation costs within the United States also has reduced the advantage of imports, along with the shortened time factor.
According to the Current Business Outlook, commissioned by major accounting firm KPMG, global confidence in the recovering world industrial sector is surpassing previous expectations.
Rancho Mirage resident Morris R. Beschloss writes a regular blog on He can be heard on KPSI Radio 920 AM from 8 to 9 a.m. every Friday and on KGAM Radio 1450 from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturdays. He also can be seen on KESQ Channel 3 and Time Warner Cable TV Channel 111.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Newest Data Shows Economy Is Set For Jobs Rebound.
The New York Times (8/8, A1, Uchitelle, Healy) reported on its front page, "The most heartening employment report since last summer suggested on Friday that a recovery was under way - and perhaps gathering steam - despite the reluctance of the nation's businesses to resume hiring or even stop shedding jobs." Employers "eliminated 247,000 jobs in July, a huge number by the standards of an ordinary recession, but the smallest monthly loss since last August, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported." And the unemployment rate "actually ticked down, to 9.4 percent from 9.5 percent in June, mainly because so many people dropped out of the hunt for work, ceasing to list themselves as unemployed." But the employment report released Friday "included some unsettling information. ... never in the 61 years of recordkeeping has one-third of the unemployed, currently 14.5 million people, been out of work for 27 weeks or more."
Reuters (8/8) added that the government revised data for May and June to show 43,000 fewer jobs were lost than previously reported, but the White House said it still expected the unemployment rate to hit 10 percent this year.
Friday, August 07, 2009
15 top earning degrees in engineering in US
"The tech fields are what's driving salaries and offers, and the top students are faring quite well," said Emanuel Contomanolis, who runs RIT's career center.
Specifically, engineering diplomas account for 12 of the 15 the top-paying majors. NACE collects its data by surveying 200 college career centers."
Read more Most lucrative college degrees