Monday, October 27, 2008
Be part of AREC group on LinkedIn
Through the members-only AREC on LinkedIn you can:
- Leverage the power of the AREC network to find and reach the new business contacts you need;
- Accelerate your career through referrals from AREC members;
- Know more than a name - view rich professional profiles from fellow AREC members;
- Let other AREC members know what you have to offer to them and their contacts;
- Limit your network searches to other AREC members only, if you wish to do so.
Access to special Alumni Western features on LinkedIn is free, and is available to Alumni Western members only.
Whether you use LinkedIn already or you’re new to LinkedIn, please join the members-only Alumni Western here:
Thanks for being a member of AREC on LinkedIn!
The AREC on LinkedIn Team
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Va asteptam cu drag la Serata AREC - A Treia Editie, Vineri 14 Nov. ora 19:00
Iata ca suntem la a treia editie a Seratei AREC.
Sper ca va reamintiti cu placere de petrecerile anterioare.
Asa ca, va invitam sa petrecem din nou intr-o atmosfera eleganta si de bun gust!
Stimati invitati,
are onoarea de a va invita la Serata Inginerilor originari din Romania
A Treia Editie - 2008
Care va avea loc Vineri 14 Noiembrie 2008, cu incepere de la ora 19:00
Cu acest prilej vom sarbatori licentiatii PEO, pe anul 2008, originari din Romania.
Restaurantul HAVA NAGHILA (map)
1118 Centre St. Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7R9 (map)
Tel: 905-731 3406
Formatie live - program de muzica si dans
Sala este rezervata exclusiv acestei petreceri
$75/pers. - vezi formularul alaturat
Va multumin anticipat pentru completarea formularului alaturat "2008 AREC Dinner Gala - Ticket Order Form" si trimiterea lui, nu mai tarziu de 31 Octombrie, 2008.
Va rugam sa confirmati participarea ASAP, cat si persoanele cu care doriti sa stati la masa. Sala este rezervata numai pentru noi dar locurile sunt limitate.
Va asteptam cu drag,
Executivul AREC (Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada)
Pentru amanunte si formularul pentru bilete, va rugam sa ne contactati:
Daniel Cheoreanu
AREC Group Page:
Doru Merauta
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Va asteptam la intalnirea AREC - Wed, Oct 22 - 6.30pm
- Executivul AREC va coopta membrii inscrisi, interesati sa devina membrii in Executiv, bazat pe participarea la actiunile AREC.
- Functiile se vor aloca in cadrul Executivului bazat pe interes si daca sunt mai multe persoane interesate, pe vot secret. Executivul nu are numar fix de membrii. - AREC vision si Statutul AREC
- Definitizarea organizarii Seratei AREC (Dinner/Gala) pe 14 Noiembrie, 2008
- O sa pastram focusul pe inginerii deveniti PEO anul acesta
- Detalii vor fi trimise ulterior
In acest fel credem ca vom reusi sa fim si mai eficienti din punct de vedere al networking-ului. Bafta!
Numai bine si va asteptam cu drag,
Daniel Cheoreanu
in between Harlandale & Sheppard
(Cross Street: Sheppard AVE W and Sheppard AVE E)
Phone: 416-250-9422
[ Map ]
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Thanks Giving Canada!!!
It's Thanksgiving in Canada today, so Happy Thanksgiving!!
Here is a great movie about Giving:
What is the first thing you think of giving?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
It's time to Be Like Rowan
"That's not my job."
You don't want to say it.
You don't want to hear it.
You want initiative.
You want to be inspired.
Here's the story that's motivated millions for over 100 years (less than a 10-minute read).
(If you have young kids, there's even a great little version for them.)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Bloguri de la ingineri... pentru ingineri... si nu numai
The simplest question is:
Who are you?
And for every answer to that question, you get another question:
Aren't you more than that?
By realizing that we are much more than we can think we are, we start to realize that each one of our identities that we have created for ourselves is also a restriction that we have placed on ourselves.
Because we are much more than we can think we are ...
However we can define that ...