Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Moving Your Career Forward - seminar
(presentation at George Kelk Corporation)
48 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario M3B 2T5
Thursday, November 15th 2007, 6:30- 8:00 PM
Learn how to:
Grow professionally and become more successful
Reach your goals faster and realize your full potential
Topics to be covered:
• Career and other areas of your life - Wheel of Life exercise (a
suggestive image of your life at this moment, including your career)
• 15 min coaching a volunteer on a topic regarding his satisfying
• Debrief (what we get from this approach, how could be customized for
each participant for great career results)
• Wheel of Career and job search
o Components that create a successful career/ job search
o Relationship between different career components
o Importance and impact of each area on others
• What could help your short term decisions and the job search
Question and answers
Evaluation of the presentation
“Before I met Gabriela I thought I had it all together until she showed me the picture of
my life so far. I realized that there was something missing. It was impressive the way she
showed it to me in a simple way, and I got it right away. Something had to change.
Later, I sat down with her, and in less than 30 minutes we came up with a game plan, and
since then I am all excited about it. I know that the picture won’t be the same. Thanks
again Gabriela! “ Patrick Bizindavyi – Business Owner
Vrei sa vorbesti in public ca un profesionist? de Andy Szekely
Iata care sunt 10 dintre ele (cele mai importante si cele care se repeta cel mai des in interviuri):
- Este imposibil sa esuez cand ma aflu pe scena.
- Nu ii pot motiva pe oameni. Pot numai sa ii inspir sa isi declanseze propria motivatie.
- Oamenii au nevoie ca eu sa ma exprim foarte clar – rolul meu este sa explic informatii complexe in termeni foarte simpli.
- Este important sa ma conectez cu audienta inima – la inima si abia apoi creier la creier. Prima sarcina este sa construiesc o relatie de incredere cu audienta.
- Sunt o persoana flexibila.
- Ceea ce am de spus este extrem de valoros pentru audienta.
- Totul este ca un joc al carui scop principal este sa invatam.
- Ceea ce fac nu este pentru mine in primul rand, ci pentru public.
- Dorinta profunda a publicului este sa se distreze.
- Audienta mea merita sa aiba un prezentator excelent.
Intrebare cheie pentru tine:
Cand prezinti in fata unui grup, cate din cele 10 convingeri de mai sus iti sunt familiare (te simti bine cu ele) si cate iti sunt straine (crezi ca sunt mai curand false).
Daca o parte dintre ele nu iti sunt familiare, probabil ca acesta este un prilej bun sa te intrebi:
Daca as crede aceste lucruri,
oare cum s-ar modifica comportamentul meu pe scena?
In final, tu esti la controlul convingerilor tale si tu stii mai bine care ti se potrivesc sau nu...
Speakerii profesionisti le folosesc ca pe un instrument cand isi construiesc succesul. Tu?
Andy Szekely
NLP Trainer
Psychology of Persuasion TM trainer
Monday, October 29, 2007
Career Opportunities
Please note that the following career opportunities are available immediately in our Toronto Office (Harris Corporation, Broadcast Communications:
BCD07071060 - Senior Hardware Designer - Electrical Engr 3
Location: Toronto
BCD07071061 - Intermediate Hardware Designer 2 - Electrical Engr 2
Location: Toronto
BCD09071016 - Configuration Mgmt 3 - Senior CSE R&D Specialist
Location: Toronto
BCD10071016 - Electrical Engr 3 - Senior Hardware Designer - Broadcast Video/Graphics, PC-platforms
BCD10071015 - Electrical Engr 3 - Senior Hardware Designer - Broadcast Video/Graphics, PC-platforms
Location: Toronto
BCD05071071 - Project Manager 2
Location: Toronto
Address your resume to:
Julie Greco
Human Resources
Harris Corporation, Broadcast Communications
and indicate that you found out about this employment opportunity from:
Elena AmariuteiSoftware Designer
VP&D R&D, Leitch Business Unit
Harris Corporation, Broadcast Communications
F: +1-416-445-4762
E: elena.amariutei@harris.com
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dinner Gala of Romanian Engineers, Friday 26th October 2007
AREC este o organizaţie non profit care îşi propune două obiective principale:
Relaţionarea – AREC este o reţea de persoane. Este o platforma care ajuta la creearea contactelor între studenţi, ingineri, industrie şi societate. Reţeaua sprijină studenţii şi inginerii. Ajuta la depaşirea barierelor şi deschide orizonturi. Îşi propune să ajute la inţelegerea diferenţelor culturale şi să ajute la dezvoltarea aptitudinilor personale şi profesionale.
Asistarea – Inginerilor de origine Romana la inscrierea pentru obtinerea licentei PEO precum si oferirea de ajutor in angajarea pe pozitii in domeniul ingineriei.
AREC se angajeaza să creasca reputaţia şi poziţia socială a inginerilor de origine Romana din Canada.
AREC is a non-profit organization focused on two main objectives:
Networking - AREC is a network of people. It is a platform for contacts between students, engineers, industry and society. The network gives support to students and engineers. It opens borders and it opens minds. It aims at helping to understand cultural differences and at developing one’s personal and professional skills.
Helping – Engineers of Romanian origin with advice towards PEO licensing and employment.
AREC is committed to enhancing the reputation and standing of the engineers of Romanian origin in Canada.
Pentru informatii, va invitam sa ne contactati: (For information, please contact us:)
Doru Merauta
OCTOBER 26th, 2007
Au onoarea de a va invita la
Serata Inginerilor originari din Romania
A Doua Editie-2007
Care va avea loc Vineri 26 Octombrie 2007, cu incepere de la ora 19:00
Cu acest prilej vom sarbatori licentiatii PEO, pe anul 2007, originari din Romania
Serata va fi sub patronajul:
Excelentei Sale Dl. Nicanor Teculescu,
Consul General al Romaniei si Decanul Corpului Consular in Toronto
1118 Centre St. Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7R9
Tel: 905-731 3406
Cordially invites you to the
Romanian Engineers’ Dinner Gala
Second Edition – 2007
On Friday, the 26th of October 2007, starting at 7:00 p.m.
We will honor the 2007 Licensed Professional Engineers, with origins from Romania
Under the distinguished patronage of:
His Excellency Mr. Nicanor Teculescu,
General Consul of
1118 Centre St. Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7R9
Tel: 905-731 3406
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Be Better...
If you ever wanted something better for yourself, this will help
give you that nudge you need.
Another beautiful motivational mini movie I am proud to bring to
Scott Stratten
Enjoy Life, Now.