Monday, May 29, 2006

Intalnire AREC - 12 Iunie

Intalnirea urmatoare a AREC, deschisa oricarui membru, va avea loc pe 12 Iunie, la ora 6:30 pm, la Phoenix & Firkin, (416) 499-0383, 2175 Sheppard Avenue East, North York, ON

* Oricine poate participa la aceste sedinte. E important pentru organizatia noastra sa largim numarul celor interesati sa participe la sedintele AREC-ului si la organizarea activitatilor noastre.

* Cautam ingineri care ne pot ajuta la intretinerea site-ului arec – Va rugam contactati pe Daniel Cheoreanu la

Agenda pentru intalnirea din 2 Mai:
1. Completarea echipei care o sa organizeze Serata (Dinner/Gala) din Octombrie 2006 si planificarea preliminara
2. Discutia noului statut in ce priveste Executivul, etc. si acceptarea schimbarilor
3. Raportul echipei insarcinata cu pregatirea Asociatiei pentru interfata cu Meloche/Monnex – Miki Peres

Am discutat cadrul activitatilor noastre. Am decis sa (re) confirmam urmatoarele:
• Intalnirile lunare vor avea loc la adresa si timpul de mai sus – a doua luni din luna in fiecare luna din an
• Minutele intalnirii se vor publica la cel mult o saptamana dupa intalnire
• sa numim aceste intalniri “Intalnire AREC”
• Doru Merauta se va ocupa de pliante, invitatii, diplome pentru Serata de anul acesta
• Revizia finala a documentatiei va avea loc in Iulie
• Doru Merauta se va ocupa de identificare inginerilor deveniti PEO anul acesta

Participarea sub o umbrela comuna, impreuna cu alte organizatii Europeene, la sistemul de asigurari oferit de Meloche Monnex cere sa avem un system de a inregistra membrii si de a fi capabili sa demonstram ca membrii au terminat o facultate. Avantajul nostru este ca chiar si inginerii care nu intentia de a deveni membrii PEO pot beneficia de asigurari prin MM – si ca o sa putem sa cautam alte avantaje pentru membrii nostri cu certitudinea ca daca suntem audiati
pentru a demonstra ca suntem ingineri, putem dovedi acest fapt.

Va rugam completati AREC Membership Application la

O echipa coordonata de Miki Peres a fost constituita pentru a propune un system de a obtine si inregistra aderenta formala a membrilor la asociatie. Va prezenta raportul final in sedinta urmatoare.

Daniel Cheoreanu a creat un blog pe care il propune ca vehicol pentru comunicarea intre noi O sa va rog sa il explorati si sa il contactati pe Daniel cu sugestii, contributii, etc la .

Vlad Siperco

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Process and organize your e-mail to increase productivity

Contributed by McGhee Productivity Solutions

Do you have an effective way to process and organize your e-mail so that you can get to an empty Inbox on a routine basis? If you have lots of e-mail in your Inbox — we know people with as many as 7,000 messages — you might want to rethink your processing methods. Really, it is possible to empty your Inbox! The key is to evaluate how you are processing and organizing your e-mail and make some changes.

No doubt you've opened e-mail messages and thought, "Hmmm, not sure what to do with this. I'll deal with it later!" — and promptly closed the message. If you do this over and over again, it doesn't take long to end up with several hundred messages in your Inbox.

Developing a new approach to processing your Inbox will help you to gain more control, improve your response time, and keep up with critical actions and due dates.

Success factors for processing and organizing your e-mail

There are four key factors that will help you process your e-mail more efficiently:

Set up a simple and effective e-mail reference system

The first step toward an organized Inbox is understanding the difference between reference information and action information.

Most people receive a considerable amount of reference information through e-mail. So having a system that enables you to quickly transfer messages from your Inbox into your e-mail reference system is essential.

Note For more information about creating an effective e-mail reference system, see "Create an effective reference system" in the More information section of this article.

Schedule uninterrupted time to process and organize e-mail

How many interruptions do you experience each day? For many of us, every day is a series of interruptions with brief moments of concentration. But it's nearly impossible to complete anything when you allow constant interruptions from the phone, people stopping by your office, and instant messaging. Therefore, is it critical that you set aside time to process and organize your e-mail.

Establish a regular time

An excellent practice is to establish a regular time each day to process your e-mail so that you can empty your Inbox. Of course, you can scan your e-mail during the day for urgent messages or requests from your boss. But many e-mail messages require you to make a decision, and good decisions require focus, and focus requires uninterrupted attention. When you do the bulk of your processing during your scheduled e-mail processing time and not randomly throughout the day, you're a lot more able to focus — and therefore make good decisions.

Take a look at your calendar, and find a time when you're least likely to be interrupted or get meeting requests. Book yourself a recurring appointment for an hour a day to process e-mail, and mark it as "busy." During this time don't answer the phone or take interruptions, and work only on processing your Inbox.

At first, keeping these appointments with yourself will take discipline, but over time the discipline becomes habit. And once you get to zero e-mail in your Inbox, you'll see the value of this one hour a day and you'll stick to it like glue.

Process one item at a time, starting at the top

When you sit down to process your e-mail, the first step is to sort it by the order in which you want to process it. For example, you can filter by date, subject, or person.


If you use Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003, enable the preview pane so that you can view your messages without having to open them. (On the View menu, click AutoPreview.)

Begin at the beginning

Resist the temptation to jump around in your Inbox in no particular order, going from one message to another, opening, closing, and occasionally deleting. Instead, begin your processing with the message at the top of your Inbox and only move to the second one after you've handled the first.

The "Four D's for Decision Making" model

The "Four D's for Decision Making" model (4 D's) is a valuable tool for processing e-mail, helping you to quickly decide what action to take with each item and how to remove it from the Inbox.

Decide what to do with each and every message

How many times have you opened, reviewed, and closed the same e-mail message over and over? Some of those messages are getting lots of attention but very little action! A better practice is to handle each e-mail message only once before taking action — which means you have to make a decision as to what to do with it and where to put it. Under the 4 D's model, you have four choices:

  1. Delete it
  2. Do it
  3. Delegate it
  4. Defer it


McGhee Productivity Solutions (MPS) statistics confirm that on average, 50% of what you receive you can delete. That is a lot of unusable material. But some of you shudder when you hear the "delete" word. You're hesitant to delete messages for fear you might need them at some point. That's understandable, but ask yourself honestly: What percentage of information that you've kept do you actually use?

Some of you are using a large percentage of what you keep, in which case what you're doing is working. But it's likely that many of you are keeping a lot more than you use. The questions below might help you make more effective decisions about what to keep and what to delete.

  1. Does the message relate to a meaningful objective you're currently working on? If not, you can probably delete it. Why hang on to information that doesn't relate to your main focus?
  2. Does the message contain information you can find elsewhere (for example, on an internal or external Web site or another network resource)? If so, delete it.
  3. Does the message contain information that you will refer to within the next six months? If not, delete it.
  4. Does the message contain information that you're required to keep (for example, legal or human resources information that relates to your company)? If not, delete it.

Tip It's wise to familiarize yourself with your company's record retention policies. Most people are hanging on to information much longer than they are asked to.

DO IT (in less than two minutes)

If you can't DELETE IT, then you need to answer the questions, "What specific action do I need to take?" and "Can I DO IT in less than two minutes?" If you can, just DO IT.

You would be amazed at what you can accomplish in less than two minutes. You could file the message, you could respond to the message, and you could make a phone call. Really push yourself to find out what you can actually accomplish in less than two minutes. You'll surprise yourself.

MPS statistics confirm that on average you can get through 30% of your Inbox by handling e-mail messages in less than two minutes. That's a lot!


If you can't DELETE IT or DO IT in two minutes or less, ask yourself, "Can I DELEGATE IT?" Statistics confirm that, on average, 10% of your e-mail messages can be delegated, but people often forget to ask that question and miss opportunities to delegate actions.

If you can delegate it, do it right away. See if you can compose and send the delegating message in less than two minutes. If it takes a bit longer, that's okay. The key is to ask yourself if you can delegate it to ensure you are using your time wisely.

Once you have delegated the action, delete the original message or move it into your e-mail reference system.


If you cannot DELETE IT, DO IT in less than two minutes, or DELEGATE IT, then the action required is something that only you can accomplish and that will take more than two minutes. Because this is your dedicated e-mail processing time, you need to DEFER IT. MPS statistics confirm that, on average, 10% of your e-mail messages can be deferred.

Turn a deferred message into an actionable task

When you're using Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003, you can DEFER action by turning the message into a task. Name the task to clearly state what action is required so that you don't have to reopen the e-mail message to find out. The result is a clearly defined list of actions in your task list that you can prioritize and schedule for action.

ShowTurn an e-mail message into a task

To include attached files in the task

  1. In your Inbox, right-click the message that you want to move, hold down the mouse button, and drag the message to Tasks Button image in the Navigation Pane.

    ShowWhat is the Navigation Pane?

    The Navigation Pane is column on the left side of the Outlook window that includes panes such as Shortcuts or Mail and the shortcuts or folders within each pane. Click a folder to show the items in the folder.
  2. Release the mouse button, and on the shortcut menu, click Move Here as Task with Attachment.
  3. In the task window, type a description of the task in the Subject box, and then click Save and Close.

To include just the e-mail message in the task

  1. In your Inbox, click the message that you want to turn into a task, and drag it to Tasks Button image in the Navigation Pane.
  2. In the task window, type a description of the task in the Subject box, and then click Save and Close.

Turn a deferred message into an appointment

If you know ahead of time that you need to respond to the message in the next couple of days and that will take 30 minutes to prepare a response, you can turn the message directly into an Outlook appointment.

ShowTurn an e-mail message into an appointment

  1. In your Inbox, right-click the message that you want to move, hold down the mouse button, and drag the message to Calendar Button image in the Navigation Pane.

    ShowWhat is the Navigation Pane?

    The Navigation Pane is column on the left side of the Outlook window that includes panes such as Shortcuts or Mail and the shortcuts or folders within each pane. Click a folder to show the items in the folder.
  2. Release the mouse button, and on the shortcut menu, click Move Here as Appointment with Attachment.

When you go through your Inbox and DELETE the items you can eliminate, DO the items that can be done in less than two minutes, and DELEGATE what you can pass on, you end up with only those action items that you need to complete yourself and that will require more than two minutes to complete. At this point, you can prioritize that list and then schedule time on your calendar to ensure the priorities get done.

Do it daily

Using the 4 D's model on a daily basis makes it easier to handle a large quantity of e-mail. Statistics show that on average, people can process 60 e-mail messages an hour. If you receive 30 to 60 messages per day, all you need is one hour of uninterrupted e-mail processing time to get through your Inbox. That's good value.

Of course, if you have a backlog of hundreds of messages, it will take some time to get to the point where daily routine keeps you up to date. But it's important to get that backlog down, so set aside some time to work through it — and then begin using your new technique from a clean slate. Then you can enjoy processing your 60 or so messages a day and have the satisfaction of a clean Inbox.

Transform your Inbox

Book yourself an hour of e-mail time a day and use the 4 D's. It can transform your Inbox and help create better work-life balance.

More information

About the author McGhee Productivity Solutions (MPS) provides consulting and education services designed to increase productivity and quality of life.

... and now enjoy Time Management for Anarchists: The Movie

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Proposed Legislation To Help More Newcomers Work in Regulated Professions

*CPAC Professional Day is an annual conference on career and professional development for internationally trained professionals.
Click here for more information

CPAC Professional Day is an annual conference on career and professional development for internationally trained professionals (ITPs). The event consists of empowering keynote presentations, educational breakout workshops and a Marketplace where service providers and employers showcase their services/organizations to the participants. It is one of the few large-scale events in GTA that help ITPs establish themselves professionally and advance in their careers.

Professional Day 2006 will feature two keynote presentations and 12 breakout workshops in 4 areas: Certification & Licensing, Professional/Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Employment.


    • Some Observations on Canadian Culture and Society, Dr. Luke Chan, Associate VP, International Affairs and Professor of Finance and Business Economics, McMaster University
    • Participation of Immigrants and the Role of the Media. Ms. Susan Marjetti, Director of CBC Radio Toronto and Southern Ontario


  • Speak English like a Native Speaker, Jerry Dai, New Concept Career College
  • Become a Licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Dr. Santosh Gupta, PEO Scarborough Chapter
  • Workplace Culture and Communication, Frantiska Wiedermann, 3e Language Group
  • Turn Your Professional Skills into a Successful Business, Alan Kwong, PharmEng International Inc
  • From An Immigrant to a Corporate Manager, Yang-Hai Wang, IBM Canada
  • Panel Discussion: Perspectives of Canadian Employers, Sharon Burton, UMA Engineering Ltd, Tom Kotsopoulos, Apotex Inc., & Robert Chin, Samtack Computer Inc.
  • Jump Start Your Professional Career, Shawn Mints, ACCES
  • How to Obtain Your CGA Certification, Marian Plante, CGA course instructor
  • Etiquette for Success, Adeodata Czink, Business of Manners
  • Overcome Challenges as a Newcomer, Ken Kwan, Family Services York Region


Event Date: Sunday, June 11, 2006

Time: 12 pm to 6 pm

Venue: Delta Toronto East Hotel

Ticket: $10 per person


    • CPAC Office, 4168 Finch Ave. E., G18 (Finch/Midland)
    • CICS Downtown Office, 58 Cecil Street (Spadina/College)
    • A.C.C.E.S., Suite 250, 2100 Ellesmere Road (Ellesmere/Markham) or
Or call 416-298-7885 ext. 111 or visit the website

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Registration & Career Fair
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm Plenary Session
Host: Mr. Andi Shi
Welcome Address

Mr. Lawrence Yu, President, Chinese Professionals Association of Canada

Opening Remarks by Presenting Sponsor

Mr. Joey S. C. Sit, Senior Vice President, Ontario Region, HSBC Bank Canada

Special Guest Address

Hon. Mike Colle, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Government of Ontario

Plaque Presentation
Keynote Speech

Some Observations on Canadian Culture and Society

Dr. Luke Chan, Associate Vice President, International Affairs, McMaster University

Keynote Speech

Participation of Immigrants and the Role of the Media

Ms. Susan Marjetti, Regional Director, CBC Radio One, Toronto and Southern Ontario

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Break & Career Fair
3:45 pm –

4:45 pm

Breakout Session (I)
Markham Room Pickering Room Neilson Room York Room
Toronto B
Toronto C
Overcome Challenges as A New Immigrant

Ken Kwan

Managing Your Wealth

HSBC Bank Canada

Jump Start Your Professional Career

Shawn Mintz

How I Built My Engineering Enterprise

Joe Ng

Turn Your Professional Skills into a Successful Business

Alan Kwong

From Immigrant to Corporate Manager –Lessons Learned along the Way

Yang-Hai Wang

4:45 pm – 5:00 pm Break & Career Fair
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Breakout Session (II)

Markham Room Pickering Room Neilson Room York Room
Toronto B
Toronto C
How to Obtain your CGA Certification

Marian Plante

Etiquette for Success

Adeodata Czink

Panel Discussion: What Employers Look for

Sharon Burton, Tom Kotsopoulos & Robert Chin

How to Communicate with Your Manager

Frantiska Wiedermann

Becoming a Licensed Engineer in Ontario

Santosh Gupta

Speak English Like A Native Speaker

Jerry Dai

Friday, May 26, 2006

Connect with people where it matters.

Keith Ferrazzi's Tip of the Week
#48 | Connect with people where it matters.

Connect with people where it matters.

A lesson from my friend Maxine Clark, Founder and Chief Executive Bear of Build-A-Bear Workshop, in her new book THE BEAR NECESSITIES OF BUSINESS: Building A Company With Heart.

"I have many good friends. If you gathered them all in one room, I'm sure they'd look like a mismatched bunch. Young and old. Men and women. Children and adults. Sophisticated and simple. Tall and short. Well educated and only street smart. Democrats and Republicans.

"But where it matters -- on the inside -- they're very much alike. And that's where I connect with them. They are my friends because we share common values, interests, experiences, and passions. They care about and believe in the same things that I do. And, like me, they have heart.

"My friendships have shown me how important it is to look inside to find out what people really stand for. That's crucial when you're choosing people to welcome into your life. It's essential when selecting employees for your company as well."

Connect with people where it matters -- the heart.

And check out Maxine's book. We can all learn a lot from her.


Keith Ferrazzi

Friday, May 19, 2006

Cautam inginer pentru pozitia de Hardware Engineer

Hardware Engineer

Job Description:

Senior Level Hardware Engineer responsible for the research, design and development of Digital Circuitry using Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, CPLDs, FPGAs and discrete components. The Candidate will be able to take immediate ownership over the Digital Design for our licensed and unlicensed band, backhaul and access wireless products including WiMax. The position requires a broad spectrum of involvement from concept/architecture to hands-on testing and validation, documentation, component selection, support. The successful Candidate will also provide directions and support to our layout team in order to deliver high quality PC boards.

Required skills and background:

- BS in Electrical Engineering as a minimum

- At least 5 years experience in high-speed digital design, good exposure to wireless communications and RF circuitry is preferred.

- Proficient in using ORCAD Schematic and CIS.

- Proficient in VHDL programming for CPLDs and FPGAs.

- Skilled in signal integrity and EMI techniques.

- Minimum three years experience with real-time embedded software - C and assembly - for at least one popular microcontroller family such as Microchip, TI or similar

Va rugam lasati un mesaj sa va trimitem datele de contact.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Exclusive Recruitment Networking Event for Engineers May 29, 2006

Exclusive Recruitment Networking Event for Engineers May 29, 2006

OSPE would like you to be the first to know about an exceptional upcoming recruitment networking opportunity for members. Agropur, Division Natrel, a proven leader in the Canadian dairy industry with over $1billion in sales and 1,540 employees across the country, is holding a special recruitment event for engineers.

As a result of growth and expansion, Agropur, Division Natrel is recruiting engineers with experience and expertise in Electrical, Automation, Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical, Food Science and Technology, and Electro-Mechanics.

Date: Monday May 29, 2006
Time: 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Natrels Toronto Office
Cost: Free for OSPE Members
(Refreshments will be provided)

Interested participants should submit their cover letter and resume to Katerina Salto at (MS Word format). Remember to indicate the specific position you are interested in on your application. Deadline for submissions is May 19, 2006.

Positions available:

  • Maintenance and Engineering Manager
  • Automation Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Maintenance Planner
  • Plant Services Supervisor/Chief Operating Engineer
  • Production Manager

To find out more about these positions login at Additional information about Agropur can be found at its website

All applications will be forwarded to Agropur, Division Natrel for review. Only eligible candidates will be contacted to attend this event. Apply today as space is limited.

Dont miss your opportunity to meet, network and join Canadas leading dairy manufacturer.

The Voice of Ontarios Engineers

Canada's employment rate growing at double the pace of last year

Ottawa, ON -- Employment across Canada rose by an estimated 22,000 in April 2006, Statistics Canada reports in its latest Labour Force Survey. At the same time, the unemployment rate edged up to 6.4% (+0.1 percentage points), still hovering around a 30-year low. So far in 2006, employment is up 124,000 or 0.8%, double the pace of growth observed over the first four months of last year.

The employment gain in April was the result of an increase in full-time work (+26,000). This continues the long-term trend of full-time growth. Part-time employment has remained around the same level over the last three years.

Employment in manufacturing rose by an estimated 25,000 in April. Despite this gain, losses since the end of 2002 have totalled 165,000 or 7.1%. Although there are fewer workers, factory output has shown an upward trend over the corresponding period. Furthermore, the recent decline in manufacturing employment pales in comparison to the recession of the early 1990s when employment fell much more sharply over the same span of time, down 329,000 or 15.5%.

For the second consecutive month, the bulk of the employment gains were in Ontario. In Canada's two westernmost provinces, there was a pause in the strong pace of employment growth that has been observed for some time. However, over the first four months of 2006, employment growth in Alberta was well ahead of the rest of the country.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Intalnirea deschisa a Executivului azi 2 Mai, 2006

Intalnirea urmatoare a Executivului, deschisa oricarui membru, va avea loc pe 2 Mai, la ora 6:30 pm, la Phoenix & Firkin, (416) 499-0383, 2175 Sheppard Avenue East, North York, ON

* Oricine poate participa la aceste sedinte. Incercam sa largim numarul celor interesati sa participe la sedintele largite ale Executivului si la organizarea activitatilor noastre.

* Cautam ingineri care ne pot ajuta la intretinerea site-ului AREC – Va rog contactati oricare din membrii Executivului - Daniela Ragea la, Daniel Cheoreanu la, Doru Merauta la

* Nu vom trimite un 'reminder' pentru intalnirea din 2 Mai. In mod normal, trimitem un 'reminder' inainte de intalnirea din luna respectiva, si o sumarizare a activitatilor dupa intalnirea respectiva.

Agenda pentru intalnirea din 2 Mai:
1. Completarea echipei care o sa organizeze Serata (Dinner/Gala) din Octombrie 2006 si planificarea preliminara
2. Discutia noului statut in ce priveste Executivul, etc. si acceptarea schimbarilor
3. Raportul echipei insarcinata cu pregatirea Asociatiei pentru interfata cu Meloche/Monnex – Miki Peres

Ne-am intalnit la Firkin (pentru adresa vezi mai sus) pe 19 Aprilie si am discutat si decis urmatoarele:

Am schimbat ordinea activitatilor ramase din 2006:

2. Intalnire cu o a doua agentie de plasare in Mai (provizoriu) – Daniel Cheoreanu o sa organizeze si informeze Executivul la sedinta din 2 Mai.

3. Intalnire cu un VIP roman in Iunie
4. Picnic impreuna cu inginerii Bulgari in August (ABEC organizeaza si ne-au invitat)
5. Seminar PEO la sfarsitul lui August
6. Serata (Dinner/Gala) pe 20 Octombrie

Participarea sub o umbrela comuna, impreuna cu alte organizatii Europeene, la sistemul de asigurari oferit de Meloche Monnex cere sa avem un system de a inregistra membrii si de a fi capabili sa demonstram ca membrii au terminat o facultate. Avantajul nostru este ca, chiar si inginerii care nu intentia de a deveni membrii PEO pot beneficia de asigurari prin MM – si ca o sa putem sa cautam alte avantaje pentru membrii nostri cu certitudinea ca daca suntem audiati pentru a demonstra ca suntem ingineri, putem dovedi acest fapt.

Coalition -- European Engineers

O echipa coordonata de Miki Peres a fost constituita pentru a propune un system de a obtine si inregistra aderenta formala a membrilor la asociatie. Va prezenta raportul final in sedinta urmatoare.

Daniel Cheoreanu a creat un blog pe care il propune ca vehicol pentru comunicarea intre noi
O sa va rog sa il explorati si sa il contactati pe Daniel cu sugestii, contributii, etc la .

Vlad Siperco
Presedinte AREC

Monday, May 01, 2006

2006 PEO Order of Honour

Corneliu E. E. Chisu, P.Eng., Scarborough Chapter - will be inducted in the PEO Order of Honour, in the class of MEMBER - the Association’s highest form of recognition for contribution, support and guidance to the profession.

The awardees will be inducted into the Order at a special ceremony on Saturday, April 29, 2006 that will be held during PEO’s Annual General Meeting at the Toronto Eaton Centre Marriott.

We congratulate Corneliu for this high PEO award and for his excellence driven career, which is for all of us at AREC a good example to follow.

Captain Corneliu E. E. Chisu, CD, M.Eng., PMSC, C.E.T., P.Eng.
Construction Engineering Officer, Department of National Defence, Land Forces Central Area Training Centre, Meaford

Since being presented his licence certificate at a Scarborough Chapter ceremony 17 years ago, Corneliu Chisu has been instrumental in raising the profile of the chapter as well as the profession in his community.

A Scarborough Executive Member since 1989, including terms as Chair in 1998-1999 and 2003-2004, Engineer Chisu helped revitalize the chapter at a time of inactivity.

He initiated and led chapter participation in many education outreach activities, including local science and career fairs, the Engineers-in-Residence program, Mathletics competitions and Engineering Week celebrations. He has also promoted the value of the profession and the requirements for licensure through presentations to high school and university students. The Scarborough Chapter is now one of the most visible and active in the PEO chapter system.

As an applications process administrator on PEO staff from 2000 to 2001, he made valuable contributions to the work of the Evolution of Engineering Admissions Task Group, and helped implement recommendations of the Admissions, Complaints, Discipline and Enforcement Task Force. In 2005, he was a member of PEO’s Government Affairs Committee.

For his strong commitment to making a difference in his profession, PEO is proud to recognize Corneliu Chisu by investing him as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.

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Here are a few quotes of inspiration and some food for thought about work and life ... CARPE DIEM (seize the day)

"Networking is more than meeting the right people. It's about connecting with their purpose and helping them achieve their goals. It's about connectin them with their success."

  • Craig Elias: Canada's Mr. Networking
  • "So you ask “what can I do to build confidence in myself”? Start by discovering who you are (your Personal Brand), which will allow you to understand what you need to do in order to gain this confidence you seek. Once discovered, it is all about repetition, through telling yourself that you are unique and “you have nothing to lose.” Saying this will help you be more outgoing, which translates into confidence."

  • Dan Schawbel
  • "Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. Unfortunately most of us are completely unaware of this fact and we do not monitor our thoughts with the care needed so that we can create in our lives the results we say we want. Since the great majority of people do not feel worthy and deserving of abundant good fortune, radiant good health and total success in all areas of their lives that overriding thought pattern controls the results people get. The first order of business of anyone who wants to enjoy success in all areas of his or her life is to take charge of the internal dialogue they have and only think, say and behave in manner consistent with the results they truly desire. - Sidney Madwed

    "You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration." - James Lane Allen

    "In football you always get judged on your last game. Whoever you are, or how amazing you are, it's the last game that everyone has seen." - Thierry Henry

    "80% of the stuff you get you are never going to need again. 20% you do need, and you need to prioritize its importance."

  • Julie Mahan
  • "It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project." - Napoleon Hill

    "The only thing that doesn't change is change itself." - Heraclitus (You can't step into the same river twice, the old Greek said, because the water keeps moving. - If you're clinging to your old reliable tools, you're not just standing still, you're actually moving backwards from the point of view of those who are moving on with the river of technological change.)

    "The secret of man's success resides in his insight into the moods of people, and his tact in dealing with them." - J. G. Holland

    "To put distance between you and your competition, you must become more VALUABLE... not just more PRODUCTIVE."

  • E. R. Haas
  • "When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell

    "Successful people are not necessary smarter than anyone else, they are simply more effective."

  • Ross Mackay
  • "You'll never achieve real success unless you like what you're doing."

  • Dale Carnegie