Monday, January 30, 2006
Northstar Aerospace - Careers
Friday, January 27, 2006
Top Jobs 2006
Welcome to
Working - network
Thursday, January 26, 2006 - Toronto Engineering Jobs
Most Popular Engineering Job Searches:
•Applications Engineer/•Automotive Engineer/•Chemical Engineer/•Civil Engineer
•Controls Engineer/•Design Engineer/•Electrical Engineer/•Geological Engineer
•Oil and Gas Engineer
Multiplying with Networking by Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Foreign-Trained Engineers are Needed in Ontario's Energy Sector
There is a lot of important information that you need to be aware of, if you are an engineering professional that has been trained in a country other than Canada. Below you will find some general information about the Canadian engineering fields.
* check the link
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
::: Business Magazin :::
Many Canadians seek help in career planning -
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - Companii - \'Detroit-ul Europei\' s-a construit cu 2,4 miliarde euro
O istorioara care merita pusa in circulatie
Daca cineva il intreaba cum ii merge, el raspunde: "Daca ar fi mai bine de atat, ar fi nevoie de doi oameni pentru atata bine!" E un optimist. Daca un coleg are o zi rea, Rob reuseste intotdeauna sa-l faca sa vada partea pozitiva a situatiei.
Am devenit curios si intr-o zi l-am intrebat: "Nu inteleg, nu este cu putinta sa fii optimist in toate zilele, tu cum reusesti?" Rob imi raspunse: "In fiecare zi cand ma trezesc, stiu ca am doua
posibilitati: Pot sa aleg sa fiu bine dispus sau pot sa aleg sa fiu rau dispus. Si aleg sa fiu bine dispus.
Cand mi se intampla ceva rau, pot sa aleg intre a fi o victima sau pot sa aleg sa invat din ce mi s-a intamplat. Si eu aleg sa invat.
De fiecare data cand cineva vine la mine sa se lamenteze pentru ceva, pot sa aleg intre a-i accepta plangerile sau pot alege sa-l ajut sa vada latura pozitiva a vietii. Si eu aleg intotdeauna partea buna a vietii. "Dar asta nu este intotdeauna asa de usor" i-am spus . "Ba da, zise Rob, intreaga viata este o problema de optiuni.
Cand indepartezi din viata tot ceea ce nu conteaza cu adevarat, totul devine o chestiune de optiuni. depinde de tine sa alegi cum sa reactionezi la diverse situatii, tu trebuie sa decizi cum sa-i lasi pe altii sa-ti influenteze atitudinea fata de viata. Tu alegi sa fii bine sau rau dispus. Pana la sfarsit tu esti acela care decizi cum sa-ti traiesti viata".
Dupa aceasta discutie am pierdut legatura cu Rob fiindca mi-am schimbat locul de munca, dar adesea ma regaseam gandindu-ma la cuvintele lui atunci optam pentru ceva in viata in loc sa reactionez la evenimente. Apoi am aflat ca Rob a avut un accident groaznic la locul de munca, a cazut de la 18 metri inaltime si dupa o operatie de 8 ore si dupa o indelungata spitalizare a iesit avand o placa de otel in spate. M-am dus sa-l vad si l-am intrebat daca se simte tot atat de bine. "Vrei sa vezi cicatricile mele? " "Dar cum faci sa ramai pozitiv dupa ce ti s-a intamplat? "In timp ce cadeam, primul lucru care mi-a venit in minte a fost fetita mea. Apoi in timp ce zaceam pe pamant, mi-am zis ca pot sa aleg intre a muri si a trai.
Si am ales sa traiesc" "Dar nu ti-a fost frica?" "Atunci cand m-au dus la spital si am vazut expresiile fetelor surorilor si doctorilor, mi-a fost frica fiindca era de parca se uitau la un om
mort. Apoi un infirmier m-a intrebat daca am alergie si am raspuns : DA! Toti m-au privit si atunci am urlat: sunt alergic la gravitatie! Toti au izbucnit in ras, si eu le-am spus: acum operati-ma ca pe un om viu, nu ca pe unul care e deja mort!"
Rob m-a invatat ca in fiecare zi avem posibilitatea de a alege sa traim o viata deplina. Si este inutil sa fim mereu ingrijorati pentru maine fiindca fiecare zi vine cu problemele ei cu care
trebuie sa traim, si maine ne vom gandi la problemele de maine. La urma urmei, azi este ziua de maine pentru care iti faceai probleme ieri.
Acum ai doua optiuni: sa stergi acest document sau sa-l trimiti celor pe care ii iubesti. Iti spun ce am ales eu: voi trai din plin fiecare zi, fiecare rasuflare, si presus de toate, fiecare
prietenie. .......
autor necunoscut
Monday, January 23, 2006 - U.S. faces severe worker shortage in future
It's a new year and new job opportunities are popping up all over the Bay Area. 2006 is going to be a great year and its clear that salaries are up due to the worker shortage we are experiencing. I invite you to make a change in your life for the new year and take a look at the hundreds of new job orders Coit Staffing has received in the past couple of weeks. Take a look at our featured companies that are hiring in this newsletter or visit our website to view all of our job listings. We look forward to making 2006 a prosperous year for you and your family.
Happy New Year!
Tim Farrelly
President, Coit Staffing
Romania a ajuns paradis imobiliar fara sa merite
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Company Directories by Sector
Choose a category from the list that best matches your sector of interest.
Magna - Working at Magna - Careers - Submit Resume
Job postings @ Linamar
P.Eng | Your licence to engineer
Cariere - prima revista de capital uman din Romania
Se-ntorc romanii...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Current Openings at Husky Injection Molding Systems
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Take complete control over your next career move with LinkedIn
It's been pretty amazing to see the number and quality of people you can reach through just a few trusted contacts. And my LinkedIn network is growing daily by literally thousands of professionals. I definitely recommend you check it out.
Take your time to invite others and encourage them to do the same. Every time someone becomes connected to you, your sphere of influence grows larger. I am convinced I shall meet more influential people in a shorter time using Social Networks such as LinkedIn on the Internet. From a jobhunter’s standpoint, LinkedIn represents an excellent opportunity to establish a powerful network of influential colleagues and friends.
Please join me on LinkedIn. Please leave a message or send an email to and I'll tell you why I like LinkedIn and how you can use it.
Download a 77-page excerpt of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters, compliments of LinkedIn
Saturday, January 14, 2006
OSPE pressure results in Federal Conservative Party’s change in proposed policy
The change in policy was announced in a mediarelease on January 4, 2006 and comes on the heels of numerous OSPE letters sent to Conservative Party MPs, about the profession’s concerns with the responsibility of licensing being taken over at the Federal level without input from Canada’s 12 engineering licensing bodies. OSPE’s message to the Conservative Party was that the federal government’s role on this issue is to address immigration policy, not accreditation which is a provincial responsibility.
In the release Mr. Harper states that if elected, his government will:
- Create a Canadian Agency for Assessment and Recognition of Credentials, to provide pre-assessment of international credentials and experience.
We will work to educate employers on the value of foreign credentials. And we will work with the provinces and professional associations to ensure foreign-trained professionals meet Canadian standards while getting properly trained professionals working in Canada
Monday, January 09, 2006
Success in 2007?? by Paul Evans
When you learn how to build rapport with an audience, you also know how to do it with a customer.
When you learn what makes people in a crawd laugh, your personal sense of humor increases. Public speaking and personal communication are not mutually exclusive."
Evans Communication put together a resource called Speaking Success Strategies. It's Free.
It will help you have the best 2007 ever! Yes, you read that right - 2007.
Three practical points you can use to attain your goals and dreams in any field.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Top 100 Internet Sites for Learning and Employment November 2005-2006
This directory is an excellent tool that can help make your professional life an exciting adventure. It offers access free of charge to wide-ranging and detailed information about employment and training. Whether you are looking for a job, some training, a new career, opportunities abroad, tools to start your own business or other information to make your professional life easier, this directory will lead you to an exceptionally large pool of quality resources at the click of your mouse.
Move Over, India - by By Marianne Kolbasuk McGee
Could Romania be the next India for IT talent? Business-technology leaders in the former eastern European country hope so.
A delegation of business and technology executives from 26 Romanian companies recently exhibited at an outsourcing expo in New York to rally business from U.S. and international companies looking for offshore tech help.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Plug into your job pipeline by Tag & Catherine Goulet
Remember: if they do they're rep is on the line, as well as yours, so be on your best behaviour for your sake and theirs.