Saturday, September 10, 2005

Useful links

Keep up to date on everything your career matters!
(This news section contains archived materials. Some of these archived links may no longer be working. Thank you for understanding.)

Code of Ethics

ONTARIO GOVERNMENT RELEASES THOMSON REPORT - Government To Review Report On Access To Professions For Internationally Trained Professionals
Access to Experience (PDF)
Fitting In (PDF)
Federal Centre for Workplace Conflict Management - Practical Tips

We face difficult situations in the workplace on a daily basis: whether as a manager having to deliver bad news, an employee who is frustrated with his boss or co-worker, or a service provider facing a difficult negotiation, we encounter situations which fill us with anxiety and dread.
Below are some pointers to assist you in dealing with such situations. Think about what is important to you in the situation. Consider what would work best for you, and how you see your role and that of the other party in achieving this. Remember that the Federal Centre is there to assist you in working through your options.
Summary of the steps to resolving the conflict

Access to the engineering profession in Ontario
This document was developed in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Access to Professions and Trades Unit in April, 2001. It was revised in June 2005. Requirements may have changed by the time you apply. Please contact Professional Engineers Ontario before completing your application.

ESL and FSL resources
English for Specific Purposes Education -
Looking for a new job? Unhappy with your current one?
Have you ever thought of taking a career assessment test?
Maybe you are unsure as to what job is best suited to you?
Click on the link below and complete a FREE career assessment test.

You will find out what jobs you are best suited to, your strengths, weaknesses and you will receive a list of the top 20 jobs that you are cut out for. GO FOR IT!

WORK Search
Canadian national job bank - sponsored by HRSD
Sector Specific Information Sessions are held monthly for foreign-trained engineers, engineering technicians, technologists, accountants, and teachers trained outside Canada.

Participants receive information about their sector - an overview of their profession, the licensing required, where to get language and upgrading programs, how to research and apply for jobs, and get labour market information.

Presentation on the licensing requirements are done by the licensing bodies such as the Professional Engineers of Ontario, Ontario Association of Engineering Technicians and Technologists, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and the Ontario College of Teachers.

Contact Us

( 416 658-3101 x0

How to Look for, Land, and Keep a Job in the Canadian Workplace
One of Canada's best online employment directories.
MONSTER, Canada's #1 career website has the opportunities and resources you need to make that next big career move.
Pivotal Integrated HR Solutions
We Put a Whole New Spin on YOUR business
Job opportunities at Ian Martin
Job postings at CareerMatch™
T.E.S. jobfinder
A listing of CRONOS CONSULTING GROUP's future jobs opportunities can be found on Workopolis by selecting the Workopolis link.
Applicants Inc. recruits and places managers, supervisors and salaried staff in: Operations, Engineering, Quality, Materials and Finance.

Toronto's Virtual Employment Resource Centre
provides job search and Internet recruitment services
Provides links to employment agencies and Toronto companies that post job vacancies on their web sites.
Focused on companies not posting on big jobboards like workopolis, monster, hotjobs, ontariojobs, etc.
Canadian Recruiting Firm WWW Site Links

Êtes–vous ingénieur, comptable/économiste, technicien en Informatique ou professionnel de la santé? Désirez-vous partager vos connaissances avec d’autres?
Career Resources-Resume Writing-Interviewing Strategies-Job Opportunities-Making a Technical Writing Portfolio
Quintessential Careers
Search thousands of Toronto jobs, and across the country!
Your complete Job and Career Training search tool for Ontario, Canada!
jobbank soar higher
Visit our Career Resources for valuable resume writing tips, networking tips, interviewing tips and more.
J.B. Employment Referral Services is the employment division of New Solutions Canada, an Ontario based company specialized in referral services for employers across Canada.

A tool for career exploration. Provides a description of occupations, the future outlook and salary ranges that people make in Canadian occupations.
Engineering Jobs

Industry Canada Web site - not a job search site, but it's an excellent tool for background research (economic trends…) - a list of the best companies to work for in Canada
Labour Market Information
Scotts Directory
Offers detailed info on Cdn companies (note: this site offers limited access to Scott's resources - full edition available free at local libraries and other centres)
Canadian Career Page
Specializes in Cdn career and employment information - good cross section of resources including skills tests and market trends
and click on Templates (left menu), then in the search bar type "resume" and then hit "Go".You'll see a bunch of free templates that look pretty good. (the same for "cover letter")
Stationary Engineers Canadian EMPLOYER’S INDEX
Articles Of Interest from Applicants Inc
Martin's Corner

Resume Writing

Rapid Success Coaching-

No Folders Tutorial - Spending too much time filing? Go home early! This free tutorial shows you how to set up Outlook without folders, without filing, and still find any message in a snap.
Tour Getting Things Done Outlook Add-In®
Considering filing a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal against your former employer? - you should consult a lawyer. The Law Society of Upper Canada has a lawyer referral service at 1-900-565-4577. .
The Ontario Labour Relations Board is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal mandated to mediate and adjudicate a variety of employment and labour relations-related matters under a number of Ontario statutes.
What You Should Know About The Ontario Employment Standards Act
Are you covered by the Ontario Employment Standards Act? The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) sets out minimum terms of employment. It sets out rights of employees and requirements that apply to employers for most Ontario workplaces. The ESA applies to most employers and employees in Ontario but it does not apply to all employers and employees. Some employees and their employers are exempt from (that is, not covered by) all, or some parts of the ESA, and some are subject to special rules. This can be confusing, but you can find out if your job is covered and to what extent.
Ontario Ministry of Labour. Established in 1919 to develop and enforce labour legislation, the Ministry of Labour's mission is to advance safe, fair and harmonious workplace practices that are essential to the social and economic well-being of the people of Ontario.

Time Management Blog

Time Management Image offers tons of time management resources to help you empower yourself. Knowing where you are will help you determine where you need to be. Browse our articles that are uniquely written or gathered from professional sources to help you gain control of your time.


9 Lives Of Leadership The most vital part of any company, the one thing that can determine its success or failure, is the quality of its leadership. Leadership determies how good or how great your organization is going to be.
Manager Tools - Our Favorite Books
Free eBooks download @ Please read, listen to, watch, download, copy and send this material to anyone in your company you think might benefit. Even better, please share with your favorite charity, spiritual or non-profit organization.

Toastmasters International. An excellent organization dedicated to helping you practice the art of thinking, speaking and meeting, efficiently, clearly and productively. There are chapters everywhere, and with good reason. It's a great investment in your time.

Why to Join Toastmasters? To achieve anything in life, you must first be able to communicate your needs and desires to yourself and then to others. If you do not know how to do this, you will not achieve your goals, gain understanding or cooperation from others.You will not be able to bring your business or organization to the potential it can achieve. Can you picture the place you want to be? See if you can't realize the power of mastery of communication to get you there. Know the power of words to create a win/win environment and to build trust with people and increase co-operation. Learn about disasters that come from assumptions. Realize the influence of perceptions, paralanguage (tone) and body language.
Learn tools to make you a master communicator.

What they say about Toastmasters... and if you want more information ask me posting a message

"How to deliver winning, confident presentations every time" by Sean McPheat
How to use LinkedIn
Tools of the Trade: LinkedIn


Nothing Happens... Until a sale is made. Or should I say...Nothing happens until you sell something! - A virtual - and virtually changing - library of sales, service and success information.
Computer Academy for ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
SkillPath offers the widest range of topics and largest number of seminars available today for business professionals. Whatever your interests, if it's new ... it works ... or it's coming, you'll hear about it first from SkillPath.
CMC - Canadian Management Centre provide seminars in such areas as Leadership Training, Communication Skills Training, General Management Training, Financial Management Training, Supervisory Training, Project Management Training, Administrative Professional Training, Marketing Management Training, Sales Management Training, Human Resource Training, and Strategic Management Training.
Are you searching for the ideal job? Planning your next promotion? Struggling with office politics? Check out our free career tools, articles and resources for everyone seeking success.
'Ask TNSC's Advice' offers responses to questions relating to negotiations in one's personal and professional life.

Selling Yourself Effectively

Prepare for interview:

Download a 77-page excerpt of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters, compliments of LinkedIn In diferitele categorii ale acestei sectiuni pot gasi informatii utile despre domeniile pe care le studiezi, de care esti interesat sau despre abilitatile pe care doresti sa ti le imbunatatesti.

NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming Transfomation - Just Imagine Becoming The Person You Really Want To Be!
Skill and Personality Assessments

Engineering Resources
P.Eng. exam preparation on the web - CYBERED - Engineering Education for Canadian Professional Engineering exam candidates
EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center - To help immigrant, newcomer and foreign-trained engineers write and pass their professional engineering exams and earn their professional engineering license (P.Eng.) in Canada.

Engineers Canada Examination Syllabus


The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool offering Collaborative PLM Software, Project Management, CAD Viewing, Web Conferencing, Secure File Transfer, etc.

Engineering Resources

The Mackay Pump School - This pump training program It has been created for Operations and Maintenance Engineers and Technicians who are responsible for pump reliability. The objective is to stop repetitive pump failure and eliminate expensive and unscheduled downtime.
Ovidiu Tesu Check out our great selection of freeware including this backup solution tutorial ( -- which is a great place to get started securing your data. This basic backup tutorial will provide you with a workable data organization and backup plan adequate for your home network or small office.

Mechanical Engineering
Find mechanical engineering online. See our engineering guide.

Useful links

Please report inactive links.

Engineering Associations and Organizations
Engineering Programs
Education, Science, and Other Resources
Online Engineering

"Download freeware and shareware
"Software for Windows, Linux and Macintosh"
"A site dedicated for Citrix engineers"

"A fantastic site for UNIX and Linux documentation"
"A great resource for Windows device drivers"
"A knowledgebase for Windows and general computing"
"The largest index of Open Source software on the Web"

"An online IT-specific encyclopedia of computer terms"
"A collection of resources for Windows 2000 and XP"
"Free online computer support"
"Reports on the latest hardware and software for PC's"
"A complete guide for computer hardware"
"Internet movie database containing ratings for all movies"
"See how the first web browsers would perform today"
"Current news regarding UNIX and Linux"
"Hardware comparison, analysis and news"
"An online database explaining Windows event log errors"
"Online documentation for all operating systems"

Inspirational Articles for Personal & Professional Development
Brian Tracy Articles for Personal & Professional Growth
ACT4U - motivational messages to encourage YOU to take the action necessary to make the changes YOU want to make


"No matter your goals in work or life, success requires relationships" - Keith Ferrazi NEVER EAT ALONE -

Browse this library of expert articles from Franklin Covey’s training and

consulting professionals.
Tom Peters is a passionate communicator with many provocative ideas to share. The documents listed here include a number of Tom's most inspiring messages.

Your Problems Solved: The Admin Pro's Online Forum, a complimentary service from Personal Report for the Administrative Professional. Wondering how to tackle an assignment more efficiently? Having difficulty with someone at work?
Incredible Machines and more machines ...
How come things work they do? Don’t waste a lot of time trying to figure out the answer. Visit:

Get a taste of FreeMind -

Current users of FreeMind use it for the following purposes:
Looking for ideas, solutions or an inspiring word? Search from thousands of Knowledge Nuggets and Top Ten lists full of rich information based on research and experience.

Stela Coldea
– Member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants

Community Directory Alianta Romanilor Canadieni Association of Canadian-Romanian University Professors in Ontario is a portal that contains a set of useful information dedicated to people that move to Canada Clubul Studentilor Romani de la Universitatea din Toronto Asociatia Romanilor din Triunghiul de Aur (ARTA), Kitchener - Waterloo site destinat comunitatii romanesti din Canada (Toronto si GTA in special). Romanian Business Network General Consulate of Romania in Toronto
Presa/ Radio & TV

Agenda Canadiana
Cuvantul Romanesc
Faptu' Divers
Jurnalul Romanesc
Romanul Canadian
Pagini Aurii Romano-Canadiene
Radio Nostalgia Toronto
Noi Romanii - Emisiune TV Portal de business in Romania Guide to social services in Toronto including child care, community legal services, home support, low-income housing, immigration, employment, and community ...
Settlement.Org - Providing information and answers to settle in Ontario A non-profit site with detailed information about immigrating to, settling and living in Ontario.
The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC)
Canadian citizenship - Canada’s official source of immigration and citizenship information

Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania

Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucuresti
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) is the most important technical university in Romania.
The RoEduNet national backbone consists of 6 nodes: Bucharest, Cluj, Târgu Mures, Timisoara, Iasi and Craiova.

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Online Reference
Dictionary, Encyclopedia & more

Here are a few quotes of inspiration and some food for thought about work and life ... CARPE DIEM (seize the day)

"Networking is more than meeting the right people. It's about connecting with their purpose and helping them achieve their goals. It's about connectin them with their success."

  • Craig Elias: Canada's Mr. Networking
  • "So you ask “what can I do to build confidence in myself”? Start by discovering who you are (your Personal Brand), which will allow you to understand what you need to do in order to gain this confidence you seek. Once discovered, it is all about repetition, through telling yourself that you are unique and “you have nothing to lose.” Saying this will help you be more outgoing, which translates into confidence."

  • Dan Schawbel
  • "Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. Unfortunately most of us are completely unaware of this fact and we do not monitor our thoughts with the care needed so that we can create in our lives the results we say we want. Since the great majority of people do not feel worthy and deserving of abundant good fortune, radiant good health and total success in all areas of their lives that overriding thought pattern controls the results people get. The first order of business of anyone who wants to enjoy success in all areas of his or her life is to take charge of the internal dialogue they have and only think, say and behave in manner consistent with the results they truly desire. - Sidney Madwed

    "You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration." - James Lane Allen

    "In football you always get judged on your last game. Whoever you are, or how amazing you are, it's the last game that everyone has seen." - Thierry Henry

    "80% of the stuff you get you are never going to need again. 20% you do need, and you need to prioritize its importance."

  • Julie Mahan
  • "It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project." - Napoleon Hill

    "The only thing that doesn't change is change itself." - Heraclitus (You can't step into the same river twice, the old Greek said, because the water keeps moving. - If you're clinging to your old reliable tools, you're not just standing still, you're actually moving backwards from the point of view of those who are moving on with the river of technological change.)

    "The secret of man's success resides in his insight into the moods of people, and his tact in dealing with them." - J. G. Holland

    "To put distance between you and your competition, you must become more VALUABLE... not just more PRODUCTIVE."

  • E. R. Haas
  • "When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell

    "Successful people are not necessary smarter than anyone else, they are simply more effective."

  • Ross Mackay
  • "You'll never achieve real success unless you like what you're doing."

  • Dale Carnegie